
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chasing Ivan

A couple of evenings ago I met a bunch of my neighbors on my street and the next one over. I didn't get to find out their names or anything. I was too busy yelling "He doesn't bite -- can you grab him?"

It all started when I didn't quite close the garage screen door. Next thing I knew, Ivan shot by and headed up the alley. The good thing was, I was ready to go. I hopped in the car and started following.

The first neighbors helped me corner Ivan in a backyard. But he slipped past us all and headed down 7th. When he spotted Joan and Erinna heading up toward him, he reversed and headed toward Paramount. I lost sight of him briefly, but the next nice neighbor pointed around the corner. We leap-frogged around the block twice, meeting more neighbors (and intimidating a few kids).

Ivan is evil. When Raspy used to get loose, he was always tripped up by his desire to meet new people. Ivan, on the other hand, looks them in the eye and scoots on past them. His only downfall is cats. He finally chased a cat into a garage, and another friendly neighbor bravely grabbed him before he could scoot out.

All around, an interesting outing. Twenty minutes of exercise, brief interactions with a dozen neighbors, and Ivan safely back in the house.

Monday, July 6, 2009

twins - looking back to january 2008

At six weeks old, Ivan was the same size and color as the Siberian stuffed dog that Andrea had as part of her American Girl collection.

Ivan thought the stuffed dog was the greatest play thing since sliced bread.

shoes and parties

In his short life, Ivan has stolen and chewed up more than ten pairs of shoes. Most of them have belonged to people who live here and who should know better. But when we have parties, we have to watch out for the shoes of our guests. At parties, we have to adopt Mad-Eye Moody's motto, "Constant vigilance." The minute we spot a guest removing his or her shoes, we intervene and place the shoes, hopefully, out of Ivan's reach. This explains the shoes on the dinner table.

Of course, Ivan isn't satisfied with just shoes. The other day he casually picked up and ran off with this hat and sunglasses. Fortunately we caught him before he could try out either one.